How do I place an order?

Place your order by selecting SUBSCRIBE from the menu above. Choose your preferred subscription or single-payment purchase and follow the prompts to complete your purchase.

How much does the Jr. CEO Launch Box cost?

The regular, bi-monthly subscription cost for the Jr. CEO Launch Box is $39.99 PER BOX, Plus $7.95 flat-rate shipping.
We offer discounts for pre-payments and for multiple subscriptions. See your options on the subscribe page.

What is the recommended age range?

The Jr. CEO Launch Box is recommended for aspiring kid-preneurs between the ages of 7 and 12.

What is included in each bi-monthly box?

Each box includes at least 1 item from the following 6 core categories.

  1. Instructional Project Cards: The project cards focus on specific principles of entrepreneurship.
  2. Kid-preneur Profiles: To introduce other successful kid entrepreneurs to inspire Jr. CEOs & to help spark their own ideas and creativity.
  3. Business Tools and Supplies: Kid-friendly office supplies and tools. Supplies that are referenced and required to complete the projects will also be included.
  4. Creativity Stimulants: To foster innovation.
  5. Brain Teasers: To teach effective problem solving and develop strong critical thinking skills.
  6. Inspiration!: We provide a useful item with an inspirational message to give children encouragement to forge forward.

Can I give it as a gift?

A Gift/Sample box is available on the subscribe page. The Gift box is a single, NON-Renewing box. It will include at least 1 item from each of the core categories but may not mirror any one specific box exactly. It will include the supplies needed to complete the included project cards. If you wish to “gift” a subscription choose a subscription or one-payment option.

When will we receive our first box?

Subscriptions begin with payments made by the last day of non-shipping months. Boxes are shipped bi-monthly, on or before the 15th of February, April, June, August, October and December, (the shipping months.) The first 5 boxes are shipped sequentially, every other month. Your first box should arrive between the 10th and the 20th of the shipping month following the month your payment is received. (EXAMPLES – If you subscribe and make payment by the 31st
of March your first box will be shipped between the 10th and the 15th of April. However, If you subscribe between the 1st of April and the 31st of May – you can expect you first box to arrive between the 10th and 20th of June.

What is the cancellation policy?

Regular Bi-monthly and Bi-monthly Sibling Subscriptions can be canceled or paused at any time, but not refunded.
If your subscription renews, you will receive the next box on schedule, until canceled. Cancellation or pause requests must be received BEFORE the renewal date.
The Renewal dates are the 20th of January, March, May, July, September, and November, (the NON-shipping months.)

If I have questions, who do I contact?

Please send an email to
You can expect a response within 24 to 48 hours.